

Known Exploitable Vulnerabilities - Authoritative source of vulnerabilities that have been exploited in the wild

Shodan - Scan the internet for publicly connected devices/systems

Krebs on Security - Award winning security reporter

Schneier on Security - Award winning security author and technologist 

NYU Cyber Security Program - Back in my day, it was called the "Information Systems and Internet Security (ISIS)" lab...


Tiny Tapeout - Design and fabricate a real ASIC chip!

FPGA Playground - FPGA tools

Yosys - Open Source Hardware Design tools 

Hack-A-Day - Many fun things

Open Source Hardware Association - Great group promoting open hardware

General Resources:

Puter - A silly but impressive operating system meant to run in your browser

NRAO  -  National Radio Astronomy Observatory Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

Nation Kidney Foundation  - Research on kidney care, dialysis, and transplantation.